Fairplays Best Land

Land Listings

This Website is provided as a service to all and at no cost!  If you find it useful, please consider contacting John R. Faile, Realtor®, CNE, CVS, SFR, Independent Broker at Timber Wolf Realty for your next real estate transaction.  John's cell number is 719.440.9994 and his email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Thank you!
# Title Hits
1 Bar D Lot 109 Como Co - $124,900 6920
2 20 Acres with Pond Fairplay Co - $199,900 7679
3 Sun Mountain Lot 18 Fairplay Co - SOLD! 7287
4 789 Ponderosa Dr Fairplay Co - SOLD! 7073
5 Rollies Trail 10 Acres Fairplay Co - SOLD! 7106
6 Valley of the Sun Lot 1239 Fairplay Co - SOLD! 7338
7 Beaver Ridge 5 Acres Fairplay Co - SOLD! 7023
8 Foxtail Pines Lot 127 Fairplay CO - SOLD 9099

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